All scientific manuscripts submitted to the 7th LatinMag Biennial Meeting must be in the format of an extended abstract. Submissions should be made through the Abstract Submission form between May 10th and October 16th, 2023. The abstracts can be written in Spanish, English, or Portuguese and must adhere to the guidelines described on this page as well as the abstract template (versions at the bottom of the page).
The selected papers will be published in a special volume of the journal LatinMag Letters (ISSN: 2007-9656)
The main manuscript text should be included in a single *.docx file, which must be attached to the submission form following the provided template. Figures and tables should be attached separately. If submitting more than one paper per registration, each abstract must be sent separately through the form. It is important that the participant indicate the number of the abstract to be submitted in an appropriate space on the form.
IMPORTANT: In order to submit a paper, participants must be registered for the 7th LatinMag Biennial Meeting. Proof of payment of the event registration fee must be attached to the abstract submission form (Abstract Submission).
The expanded abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee of the 7th LatinMag Biennial Meeting, which is composed of researchers from the different topics covered ( The author must indicate their preference for the presentation of their work (oral or poster) in the abstract submission form. However, the Local Organizing Committee will take the final decision on the format to be adopted.
Oral presentations will be fifteen (15) minutes long, with an additional five (5) minutes allocated for questions and discussion. Posters will be displayed throughout the event, and their dimensions will be announced soon on this page.
In addition to the selection of papers for the special issue of the LatinMag Letters journal, students may participate in the “Best Student Paper” award in both the poster and oral presentation categories.
Up to three (3) extended abstracts per registration are allowed for submission.
We recommend downloading the Abstract template before preparing the manuscript, as it contains the necessary information on formatting and rules for constructing the paper.
The body of the expanded abstracts should essentially contain the following elements: abstract, keywords, main text, figure and/or table captions, acknowledgments, and references, and should not exceed 250 words.
The maximum extension of text (including title, authors, filiations, abstract, keywords and figure/table captions), is of 2300 words (references not included).
The manuscript text must be attached as a single file, without figures or tables, in *.docx format, following the provided template, and named as follows:
Thematic area code_1st author initials_order of the expanded abstract
1. Expanded abstract submitted by the 1st author “João Ferreira Costa” for the “Rock Magnetism” thematic area. This is the only abstract submitted by this author:
2. Expanded abstract submitted by the 1st author “Joana Figueiredo Moura” for the “Archaeomagnetism” thematic area. This is the second abstract submitted by this author (she already submitted one expanded abstract for another thematic area):
Thematic area | Reference code |
Paleomagnetism | PALMAG |
Geomagnetism and Geophysical Methods | GEOMGF |
Rock Magnetism | ROCKMG |
Archaeomagnetism | ARQUEO |
Magneto- and Cyclostratigraphy | MAGCYC |
Environmental Magnetism | MAGAMB |
Magnetic Fabric (magnetic anisotropy) | ANISOT |
Instrumentation in Paleo/Geomagnetism | INSTRU |
Figures should be attached separately in *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif, or *.tiff formats, while tables can be included in a single *.docx file. The submission should not contain more than four (4) figures and/or tables in any combination (e.g., four figures; four tables; two figures and two tables). The resolution of the figures should be between 150 and 200 dpi.
Each figure and/or table must be named as follows:
where x is the number of the figure (F) or table (T) in the expanded abstract, and ABSTRACT NAME is the expanded abstract label according to the instructions given above (section 2).
Abstract template – English version – LatinMag 2023
COPYRIGHT © 2023 Latin American Association of Paleomagnetism and Geomagnetism Biennial Meeting